Our VA services offer the following Features

Cutting Edge

Network Security

Do you want to take your network security to the next level? Allow us to secure your networks, servers, and applications with the most comprehensive process. Experience complete security with the following aspects

  • Compliance testing to scan applications and networks ensuring they meet compliance requirements.
  • Perimeter scanning to analyze network devices, operating systems, and servers for all vulnerabilities.
  • Monitoring configuration, rule sets, and policy enforcement are measured to maintain compliance throughout updates.
Automated Test Cases

Application Testing

At CodeInbound we offer the best services to ensure your applications are protected from threats and operate seamlessly. Our comprehensive vulnerability testing services include

  • Manual application testing via penetration testing and hands-on live simulations.
  • Scanning functional applications for extreme vulnerabilities such as SQL injection or XSS.
  • DDOS Simulations Attacks for Network vulnerability.

At Code Inbound LLP, we aim to offer a Comprehensive Service.

Our Vulnerability Assessment services are made up of the following components

VA Tool System

This includes VA scanner, VA manager, and GUI together. Here, all of our components work in harmony to scan the target for vulnerabilities. You will get a detailed report displaying both vulnerability and solution.

Centralized Vulnerability Database

It includes vulnerability databases such as vendor or OEM feed and centralized NVTs databases. The databases are synced using our VA Solution


These are the endpoints that will be scanned by our tool for vulnerabilities. The endpoints include servers, firewalls, PCs, and network devices.

Interested in Our VA Solution?

Our vulnerability assessment services will help you secure your endpoints and keep your systems safe from threats.


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